AMC Funds believes in flexible financing solutions with a partnership approach

Through their investments they aim to unlock value for their investors, portfolio companies and wider communities

Our Business

Backing growing mid-market businesses in Central Europe.

AMC Funds, has invested through, mezzanine and capital growth funds, since 2017 (AMC IV) and 2023 (AMC V). They have secured commitments for the fund from up to 30 limited partners, including commitments from institutional investors from Asia, Europe and U.S.

Through individuals commitments across two funds with long-term debt and equity, AMC Funds provides growth capital to mid-market businesses in Central Europe. So far, it invested close to EUR +350m, helping 20 businesses grow – organically and through acquisition: Domestically and abroad.

Our Philosophy

Every opportunity is different, and so is their approach.

AMC Funds offers tailored solutions for each partnership, instead of a rigid, off-the-shelf product. This can include equity, debt, or a combination of both. Indeed their financing can be standalone or alongside a financial sponsor, but its always structured in a way that aligns with your interests, to allow you to achieve your financial goals.

AMC Funds provides a solution to smooth out the cash flow requirements of growing businesses. For example, their debt can be structured with bullet repayments, allowing you to retain cash, and follow your ambitions. By taking a minority stake, AMC Funds ensures the alignment of interests, while you maintain control.

Regional Expertise

A Convergence Play

AMC Funds’ mezzanine and associated private equity investments, focus almost exclusively on Central and Eastern European countries that acceded to the European Union in 2004 and 2007, as well as select investments in neighbouring markets with exceptional opportunities, or EU accession candidates.

Reasons for Growth Finance in Central Europe

Three equally important factors qualify the need for growth finance in Central Europe:

  • An improved macroeconomic, regulatory, and legal framework that allows for strong growth, even in a difficult global market environment.
  • A funding gap resulting from a limited number of dedicated providers of non-equity term finance for growing companies.
  • An underserved region by traditional lenders, as Basel III regulations have had a negative effect on bank liquidity, opening space for alternative capital providers.

Response to the Scarcity of Classical Funds

Investments are well diversified across sectors within the region. Anticipating the growing opportunity for high-grade investments along with regional convergence, the credibility and demand for mezzanine finance will correlate in growth. This will occur, particularly as other sources of financing temporarily withdraw from the market or contract as a result of financial crisis/pandemics etc., and as the availability of increasingly attractive pricing is realized from an improved risk/return profile.

Local Know-How

Doing business in a fragmented region comprising numerous countries, languages, legislation, economic frameworks, and currencies, such as Central Europe, requires the utmost dedication and expertise. AMC Funds advisors have extensive local knowledge with regional offices, local Teams and an impressive Track Record.

If you want to talk to us about anything please contact us.